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The 2020 coronavirus pandemic and lockdown may seem like a completely hopeless time even after most limitations were lifted and most social barriers have risen. A lot of people have lost their jobs, many businesses lost their money, and those employees who have stayed with their jobs started to experience serious burnout issues. Yet, despite that, both the entrepreneurs and the employees manage to gradually resolve their respective problems. While employees started exercising more regularly and having virtual watercooler conversations, the businessmen aimed for increasing the online presence of their businesses. And pandemic, lockdowns, and other kinds of social distancing serve as great motivators to do that exactly.

Improve Your Online Presence During the Pandemic

How to Increase Online Presence During Pandemic?

Well, pretty much like not during the pandemic. In fact, any business owner has to keep his business afloat in the online space regardless of how things turn out in real life without even thinking about it. While this seems like an obvious thing in the digital age we live in, many of us have been reminded by it exactly by the pandemic as the use of the internet and demand for connection spiked since January 2020. So, how can you use such an opportunity and increase your online presence to a huge scale as it has never been before? Here are a few tips to get you started.

  1. Refresh your website. Revitalizing your website by redesigning your home page or by at least deleted the outdated or unnecessary information is a great start. Perhaps, a lot of information on your website was posted long before the pandemic and relates to such things that are in the past now as public events. You don’t have to dispose of that kind of information completely, but you still have to make some spring cleaning. In case if you, for example, posted something assuming that the pandemic will end soon and we all can reunite together on some kind of concert, don’t keep that kind of stuff hanging.
  2. Post a reassuring message on your home page. Tell your customers or followers that you are with them and that you don’t stop your website or blog running. Let them what is your opinion on the current affairs and what is your response to the pandemic. This kind of message is what most people around the world need and your customers are people who find whatever you have to offer close, relevant, and trustworthy for them. You have your customers’ respect, so why not expand it and tell them that everything is okay?
  3. Work on your website’s translation. This could be a part of the revitalization of your website that we discussed just a couple of sentences ago. With more people stuck at home browsing the internet, as well as your employees that most likely work from home, you have all the time and opportunity you need to broaden your reach. You can check out PickWriters reviewed translation services online for a start and look for some great professionals. Also, every translation knowledge base will recommend you localizing and not just translating. Trust those guys on this one, they certainly know what they’re doing.
  4. Connect more on social media. If you have a page on social media, don’t forget that it exists and if you don’t then start one. With lots of people now stuck at home, most of them communicate through social media channels, so connecting there is a reasonable idea. Just think about, the number of social media users has grown by nearly 8 percent, to about 3.8 billion. So, chances that you will broaden your audience with the right approach are overwhelmingly high.
  5. Engage more in online communication. Whether you use forms on your website or social media or both, make sure to improve everything. With people having got used to online communication, focusing on keeping your business and customer support virtually is a great idea. Optimize your feedback forms on your website. Make sure they don’t require much typing or sharing any information that you don’t really need. Decrease response time on your social media page to the minimum. Not having to wait for too long is extremely important to keep your social media page active and attracting more followers.

Don’t Worry, Be Online

Doing business in the times of coronavirus can be extremely effective, it only depends on your approach. Just think about all this as if the world just literally moved to the virtual space completely. Public pages on social media have become our public spaces and the websites became our entertainment and information centers. Instead of communicating personally, we connect through chats, email, and feedback forms. The world has not as changed as it has moved onto another space.


Mark mostly writes about education, travel, translation, and language learning. As a former translator and interpreter, he knows a lot about the industry and shares his knowledge and experience with his readers. Join Mark on his day-to-day search and never misses a beat of today’s upbeat world!

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