Perry Kinkaide is joined by Bill Whitelaw, Managing Director, Strategy & Sustainability at geoLOGIC Systems Ltd. & JWN Energy.
The interview was triggered by Ottawa’s announced “Just transition,” Bill’s Troy Media commentary If we don’t get energy transition right, we’re screwed, and Alberta’s reaction concerning the implications on jobs in the energy sector.
Troy Media produces One on One in partnership with KEI.
Our Guest

Bill Whitelaw
Bill Whitelaw is Managing Director, Strategy & Sustainability at geoLOGIC Systems Ltd. & JWN Energy. He is a director on many industry sector boards including the Canadian Society for Unconventional Resources and the Canadian Petroleum Hall of Fame. He frequently speaks on social license, innovation and technology, and energy supply networks.
For interview requests, click here.
Our Host
Perry Kinkaide, MSc, PhD, CMC is an accomplished manager and visionary, a change agent with passion and perspective. Since retiring in 2001, Perry has remained active as an advisor and director for several diverse public and private organizations. He is the Founder (2005) and Past-President of the Alberta Council of Technologies Society. His pre-retirement positions include Canadian Knowledge Management Practice Leader and Managing Partner for KPMG Consulting in Edmonton (1987-2001). Assistant Deputy Minister, Director of Privatization and Funding Reform, Edmonton Regional Director and Regional Coordinator of Services for the Handicapped with the Alberta Government (1972-1986). He received his BA from Colgate University in 1964, MSc in 1967 and PhD from the University of Alberta in 1972 in Brain Research.
For interview requests, click here.
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