The series was produced by KEI Network for Troy Media.
We welcome your comments below.
Bios of our moderator and today’s guest:
Eric Newell
Moderator Eric Newell’s career began with Imperial Oil and Esso, where his skills as an engineer and manager made him a valuable asset. He was frequently sent “on loan” to sites across North America, moving through postings in 15 different cities over the first 20 years of his career before moving to Alberta in 1986. His temporary assignment with the Syncrude oil sands development in northern Alberta became permanent and Eric and his wife, Kathy, settled their family in Fort McMurray. Eric’s responsibilities with Syncrude quickly grew to include service as president, CEO and chairman of the board of directors. Eric is a Troy Media contributor. For interview requests, click here.
Hal Kvisle
Hal Kvisle is a native of Alberta and has worked for Canadian and international energy companies for more than 40 years in the oil and gas, utilities and power generation industries. Hal is board chair of ARC Resources and Finning International and a director of Cenovus Energy. He previously served as a director of the Bank of Montreal, TransCanada Corporation, Talisman Energy, Methanex Corporation, Fletcher Challenge Energy, Norske Skog Canada and PrimeWest Energy. Hal was CEO of Talisman Energy from 2012 to 2015 and CEO of TransCanada Corporation from 2001 to 2010, where he was recognized as Canada’s Outstanding CEO in 2008. Hal holds a B.Sc.Eng. from the University of Alberta, an MBA from the Haskayne School, University of Calgary, and honorary degrees from Mount Royal University and the University of Calgary. He has served as a board member and national board chair of the Nature Conservancy of Canada and currently serves as founding chair of the Business Council of Alberta. Hal is a Troy Media contributor. For interview requests, click here.
Energy transition won’t be easy, especially in Canada by Jock Finlayson and Denise Mullen
Bold vision without a solid grasp of the facts and context and a realistic plan of execution amounts to hallucination
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