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Dana WilsonFor some people there is a fine line between confidence and narcissism. But even with it being a balancing trick, everyone needs to have some confidence. There are a million things that feeling good about yourself can do from you, from personal life to business life.

For some people, building confidence comes naturally; for others it’s far more difficult. Before you start concentrating on why you need to have faith in yourself and walk a little taller it helps to look at why you should want to. Knowing how confidence can help you in daily life is a great way to promote it.

Attracts friends and lovers

You’ll be amazed at how much more attractive you are to people when you actually feel good about yourself and express how you feel through good posture and, for a lack of better words, a more confident step.

While some people find shyness attractive, most people will get bored with that pretty quickly. People want to surround themselves with others who like to have conversation and like to get out and do thing. If you have poor self-esteem it’s pretty likely that you don’t get out and converse much with friends or strangers.

You don’t have to be a social butterfly, but you can’t be a wallflower either. Make conversation, smile, and just try your best to look open and inviting and people will be far more likely to come to you and become friends or better.

Helps you get ahead at work

Not only can having the right amount of confidence land you a job, it can also help you work towards promotions and raises. Work confidence is a little more than just being confident in yourself. It also means being confident in your abilities.

When you start a new job it is important to step into your role like you own it. Doing so will show your boss that you know you can do the job and that you feel good about it too.

It’s sometimes easier said than done though, when it comes to gaining more confidence. Here are a few tips on how to build your confidence, in any way, whether you need to feel better about yourself or your skills.

Dress for success

Confidence begins with you. That means that no matter what it is you are doing you need to make sure you do it looking your best. One tip, when it comes to job hunting, is to dress a step up from the job you are applying for. This shows that you mean businesses.

Even if you are just going to the grocery store it helps to go while looking your best. You never know who you might run into, plus looking your best just plain makes you feel better about yourself, and isn’t that the whole point?

Care about your body

Don’t just throw on your suit and expect to get the job. You need to make sure that you are eating healthy, for optimal health. You also want to make sure that you exercise, not just to help with a good mood and attitude, but also to stay fit and looking good.

You also want to make sure that you are practicing good hygiene, because nothing kills confidence faster than bad breathe and smelly armpits. Bathe regularly and even get a regular haircut or styling to keep looking fresh and attractive. People who feel attractive are more likely to have the right amount of confidence in order to succeed in all aspects of life.

Learn something new

Another way to help build your confidence is to continue learning in any way you can. Take a class or read some books. Learn about how to properly groom yourself for a great look, and also keep up to date on music, culture, and pretty much everything life desires, all in one place. Social intelligence is definitely a confidence booster.

In fact, there are tons of places online where you can expand your knowledge; you can even take free online courses to get you further ahead in work or just help you feel smarter. Feeling great about your intelligence can make you feel better about your whole self.

Don’t be afraid to feel good about yourself. Confidence can get you far in life and you should embrace it.

Dana Wilson is a freelance writer based in Edmonton, Alberta.

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confident you

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