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Partners with Farm in the Dell to build group homes for individuals with intellectual disabilities in Biggar

To enhance support for individuals with intellectual disabilities, Saskatchewan Premier Scott Moe announced a partnership with Farm in the Dell and the Town of Biggar to build two new group homes. The development will provide critical housing and day programs for 10 residents, which will significantly improve care and community integration for Saskatchewan’s most vulnerable citizens.

“We are proud to partner with Farm in the Dell and the Town of Biggar to develop these new homes and programming,” Moe said. “We are committed to safe and affordable communities by ensuring that individuals with intellectual disabilities receive the necessary support for their physical, emotional, and social wellbeing, empowering them to live as independently as possible.”

Saskatchewan partners with Farm in the Dell to build new group homes in Biggar to support individuals with intellectual disabilities

Image courtesy Farm in the Dell

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The Ministry of Social Services will provide annual funding to cover operating costs, while Farm in the Dell and the local community will raise $500,000 to cover capital costs for the two five-bedroom homes. The Town of Biggar is donating land and road access to the site, valued at approximately $262,000.

Farm in the Dell, a non-profit organization in Saskatchewan, currently operates two group homes, a supported living program, and a farm-based vocational program near Aberdeen. The organization is dedicated to enhancing the emotional, physical, and spiritual lives of individuals with intellectual disabilities through residential and community services.

“We have forever dreamt of expanding to other locations in the province,” Farm in the Dell Executive Director Lynette Zacharias said. “We are thankful for the Government of Saskatchewan’s support of this dream and look forward to partnering with the government to make this farm a reality. This will provide meaningful and productive work and a safe place to call home for many individuals in the community.”

The community of Biggar has been actively involved in supporting the project.

“Our community has come together in partnership with the RM of Biggar, service providers, local contractors, businesses and individual donors to raise and commit the funds and resources necessary to establish and support this project,” Biggar Mayor Jim Rickwood said. “The Town of Biggar’s commitment of approximately 70 acres of land on our outskirts will provide both the unique rural living atmosphere as well as the amenities of our town’s many services and supports to the future residents of the new facility, as well as those accessing vocational day programs. With the commitment of land, services and financial contributions to this project, it truly is a community endeavour that has captured the philanthropic spirit of everyone who has made themselves familiar with the unique Farm in the Dell concept. Another Saskatchewan success story that the Town of Biggar is proud to be part of.”

The Government of Saskatchewan currently provides $1.7 million in annualized funding to Farm in the Dell. With the expansion to Biggar, an additional $1.35 million in annual operating funding will be provided, bringing the total to over $3.05 million annually.

This partnership marks a significant step forward in providing individuals with intellectual disabilities the support they need to live fulfilling and independent lives in Saskatchewan.

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