Writing the perfect essay can seem like a daunting task, especially if it’s your first time doing so. However, with the right amount of preparation and foresight, you can create an essay that will impress your teacher and meet all of the assignment guidelines. Here are seven steps to writing the perfect essay.
Step 1: Read The Assignment Carefully
Read through the assignment and make sure you know what is expected of you. You will want to know how many words you need and if there are any specific formatting requirements. If there are, read up on them in advance so that your essay is formatted correctly. Once you’ve determined what it is that they are looking for, start writing. This will help you decide what type of essay you need to write: expository, argumentative, descriptive or narrative. Depending on which one you’re assigned, write an introduction with a thesis statement and outline your supporting points using transitions.
Step 2: Know What Makes an A+ Essay
Know what makes an A+ essay. An A+ essay is well-written, uses a logical and clear structure, and follows all the rules of academic writing. It will not only have a clear thesis statement, but also an introduction that outlines the context and background of your topic; body paragraphs that contain supporting evidence or examples; and a conclusion paragraph with restatement of your thesis statement. The essay must also be free of grammatical errors, spelling mistakes, and plagiarism. It must look and read like its been written by professional essay writers.
Step 3: Brainstorm Topics
Brainstorm topics on a piece of paper. Once you have about 10 topics, review them and see which ones you find most interesting. Don’t be afraid to combine two topics if you think it will make a more compelling essay. Try not to choose anything too broad or controversial. Once you’ve chosen your topic, outline the points that you want to address and add in any supporting information you can think of. This is important because your readers will likely not know as much about your topic as you do.
Step 4: Choose your Topic and Outline
Choose a topic that you are passionate about and know a lot about. You will have more motivation to write a perfect essay if it’s something you are interested in. Next, make an outline of your topic. Start with an introduction paragraph and then make headings for different sections of your essay such as: The problem with…, Some Solutions… etc. For each heading, jot down 3-5 points that you want to make in that section. Once you’ve completed this, start writing your essay!
Step 5: Write Your Introduction
Write your introduction with your thesis statement. Your thesis statement is a one sentence that says what you want your paper to say. For example, if you’re writing about how pollution affects people’s health, then your thesis would be something like Pollution causes disease. This will tell the reader what they can expect to read in your essay and gives them an understanding of what you are going to prove in this essay. The first sentence should be catchy or interesting so that readers will keep reading after reading it, such as ‘Pollution has been linked with poor health since ancient times.’ Then go into some background information on the topic before telling readers why it matters and what you are going to show them later on in this paper.
Step 6: The Main Body and Conclusion
Another thing you should be sure to include in your essay is a main body and concluding paragraph. It’s not just a summary of what has been said before; it serves as a way to end the essay, giving readers something final and satisfying to think about. It should summarize what was discussed and how it relates back to the thesis statement. In addition, it should include any last thoughts or ideas that haven’t been mentioned yet in order to maintain cohesion throughout the paper.
Step 7: Edit, Polish, Proofread and Repeat
Edit , polish, proofread and repeat. Check over your work at least twice before submitting it. Make sure that you have followed all of the guidelines of the assignment. After you submit your essay, check it again for any typos or mistakes that were overlooked in earlier revisions.
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