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Allergies are a common concern for dogs and are typically a misguided reaction to foreign substances, called an allergen, by the body’s immune system. The most common allergens or environmental substances that affect dogs are pests, plants, pollen, mould, chemicals, medicines, and food.

The key to treating allergies in dogs is educating yourself about common dog allergies and their symptoms. Some signs of allergies in dogs are itchiness, hives, upset stomach, and inflammation. However, the signs can vary depending on the type of allergy and its severity. Learn more about common allergies and what to do about them below.

Common Dog Allergies

Educating yourself about the most common dog allergies can help you identify symptoms in your dog and find appropriate treatments.

Atopic Dermatitis

Atopic dermatitis is one of the most common allergies in dogs and often occurs after allergens are inhaled, but it can also trigger a response through skin contact. Some of the allergens in the environment that cause atopic dermatitis are pollen, dust, mould, fleas, plant materials, and cleaning products. Your dog may show symptoms seasonally or year-round, depending on the type of allergy. Some common symptoms to look out for are irritation, resulting in them licking their paws, constantly chewing parts of their body, or recurring ear infections.

Food Allergies

Some dogs are allergic to certain foods, resulting in an adverse reaction to allergens. Food can be another allergen and typically accounts for ten per cent of all allergy cases in dogs. Most common allergies derive from protein sources such as chicken, beef, dairy products, or eggs. Dogs with food allergies typically show similar symptoms to atopy, such as itchy areas, generalized rash or rashes all over the body, and licking at their paws. Some dogs may also experience gastrointestinal discomfort, resulting in an upset stomach or vomiting.

Respiratory Allergies

Dogs’ respiratory allergies are usually triggered by an inhaled allergen, such as dust mites or plant pollen. The symptoms typically involve itchiness, runny eyes, coughing, or sneezing. Although this allergy is less common in dogs compared to humans and cats, it can happen to some canines.

Seasonal Allergies

Seasonal allergies in dogs are triggered when a dog inhales or encounters something they are sensitive to, which typically include flea bites, tree and grass pollen, fresh grass in the summer or fall, and dust or dust mites. The most common symptoms of seasonal allergies in dogs include a runny nose, swollen eyes, itchy skin, and sneezing.

What to Do About Dog Allergies

Once you’ve identified the type of allergy your dog is experiencing, it’s essential to find treatments accordingly.

Switch Food

If your vet has confirmed that your dog has a food allergy, the first step is to eliminate certain foods from their diet to determine which food is the culprit. After you figure out which foods are safe for your dog, gradually change their diet.

One of the ideal food choices is raw food full of meats and fresh vegetables made without added processes. Companies like Bold by Nature offer raw dog food in Canada with fewer ingredients to avoid causing reactions in your dog’s system. Recipes that don’t contain additives or fillers are safer for your dog’s health as it reduces the risk of allergic reactions or digestive upset.

Provide Medication

Your furry friend may need medication to relieve the allergy that’s bothering them. This involves a vet checkup and professional advice to ensure that the medicine is the right option for your dog, depending on the type of allergy, breed, age, and weight.

Lifestyle Changes

Consider a lifestyle change if your dog’s allergies are severe and heavily influenced by their living conditions. For instance, if a specific cleaning product or carpet in your home triggers allergic reactions, you may need to change the items to keep your dog safe, healthy, and thriving.

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