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After two years of an unprecedented global pandemic, businesses are still adapting to a new normal. Whereas the onset of the pandemic witnessed businesses scrambling to implement creative short-term solutions, after two years, those adaptations have taken on a more permanent position in many businesses’ core ethos.

An on-demand mindset, a robust mobile presence, new approaches to customer interaction, and reassessment of growth opportunities: These are a few ways that Canadian businesses are adapting in the long shadow of the COVID-19 pandemic.

In this article, let’s explore each of these measures in detail, emphasizing how businesses can leverage these insights to weather the storm.

Going Mobile

Throughout the pandemic in Canada, app development companies in Toronto have worked overtime to meet the demands of an increasing number of companies going mobile. As restrictions shuttered (or limited) brick-and-mortar business operations, many companies turned to E- and M-commerce solutions to keep their businesses afloat. And several other companies looked toward custom mobile apps to help train, manage and communicate with their staff.

Even as restrictions lift, these mobile solutions appear to have staying power. An increasing number of consumers now prefer shopping online, citing its safety and convenience. And a majority of employees prefer working remotely, relying on software platforms to interact with their jobs. If your business does not yet have a robust mobile strategy, consider partnering with an app development company in Canada to create a custom app.


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Expanding Delivery

In concert with creating a custom mobile app, you may also consider expanding your delivery offerings. As mentioned, E-commerce and M-commerce (mobile commerce) surged in popularity over the last two years. Consequently, many consumers don’t just prefer shopping online – they expect it. And, with many online box stores racing toward quicker delivery windows, consumers expect things fast.

Research logistics and last-mile delivery solutions to ensure that your product gets to your customers’ doorsteps rapidly.

Focusing on Care and Support

Several Canadian businesses have prioritized care during the pandemic, offering accommodative pricing models, encouraging interactions (empathetic emails and push notifications, etc.), and accessibility features through their mobile apps.

This measure is in lockstep with contemporary research. Recently, McKinsey & Company published research-backed insights on how businesses can adapt their customer service in the time of coronavirus. Their main piece of advice: “focus on care and concern.”

In other words, now is probably not the time for aggressive marketing touches and pushy messages. Instead, they argue, businesses would do better to refocus their efforts on empathy, community service and employee support.

Reassessing Opportunities

A critical way that businesses have been forced to adapt to COVID is by “reassessing growth opportunities.” As Harvard Business Review notes, businesses hoping to thrive throughout (and after) the pandemic need to develop a systematic understanding of consumer behavioural changes.

For instance, as a sizeable share of the workforce continues to work from home, businesses may find growth opportunities in areas like food delivery, in-home entertainment, digital coordination platforms, etc. Conversely, they may see a decrease in opportunities for in-person dining ventures, live events and commercial real estate investment. It’s important to track how consumer conditions affect buying patterns, and remain nimble enough to adapt to new growth opportunities.

The COVID-19 pandemic continues to cast a long shadow over Canadian commerce. But, true to their innovative spirit, Canadian businesses have managed to adapt – and even thrive – by embracing mobile solutions, expanding delivery, focusing on care in customer service, and reassessing growth opportunities in the new normal.

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