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Rhinoplasty or a nose job is a surgical procedure to alter your nose’s shape by modifying the cartilage or bone.

Medical reasons for this procedure include correcting a scar caused by birth defects or trauma, or improving breathing problems related to the nose.

It can also be done for cosmetic reasons to improve your nose’s appearance or shape.

If you are planning to get a rhinoplasty, it’s best to discuss your goal with the surgeon. There are multiple Rhinoplasty Orange County medical clinics that can assist you.

Here are more details about the procedure that help you be prepared before you visit the surgeon.

Let’s dive in!


When Can One Get Rhinoplasty Done?

Possible changes that a surgeon can make through the procedure include:

  • Change in angle
  • Change in size
  • Reshaping of the tip
  • Straightening of the bridge
  • Narrowing of the nostrils

Can minors have rhinoplasties? If the procedure is done for a breathing impairment, it can be done at any age. However, if it’s done to improve the appearance, you should wait until the nasal bone grows completely. The typical age is 15 years for girls, and for boys, a bit later.

What Risks Are Involved?

As with all procedures, rhinoplasty may increase the risk of:

  • Nosebleeds
  • Infection
  • Numbness
  • Scars
  • An asymmetrical nose

In some cases, people may not be happy with the result. In such cases, they will have to wait until the nose heals completely before operating again. This may even take a year.

How Can You Prepare For The Procedure?

Once you discuss your goal with the surgeon, they will ask about your health and medicine history and run a physical check.

If you have certain medical conditions, such as a disorder that may cause excessive bleeding, the surgeon may not recommend the procedure to you.

They will also closely examine the inside of the nose and order some blood tests to make sure if it’s safe for you.

Make sure you understand the estimated cost of the surgery as it may not be covered by the insurance when done for cosmetic reasons.

You may need to avoid painkillers and other medicines that could alter your clotting. Let your doctor know all the medications you take, including supplements.

As smoking slows down the recovery, it is essential to quit smoking before and after rhinoplasty.

Rhinoplasty Procedure

Rhinoplasty can be done in the doctor’s office or a hospital using local or general anesthesia.

Once you are unconscious or numb, the surgeon will make cuts inside or between your nostrils. They will pull the skin to separate it from the cartilage and start reshaping the nose.

If you need additional cartilage, the surgeon may remove it from deep inside the nose or ear. You may also need a bone graft.

Rhinoplasty should take about one or two hours, or even longer if the procedure is complex.

Recovery from Rhinoplasty

After the surgery, the doctor will place a metal or plastic splint on the nose, which will help to retain the new shape. They may also place splints or nasal packs inside the nostril.

To prevent swelling and bleeding, you’ll need to sleep with your head elevated above the chest.

For a few days after the surgery, you may experience nose bleeds. A drip pad will help absorb mucus and blood.

You may also want to limit activities such as blowing your nose, vigorous tooth brushing, and swimming.

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