The entertainment industry has, for decades, pushed the boundaries of what is and is not acceptable in society. One thing that the movie industry, in particular, has never been shy of is depicting debauchery. Go and see any modern big-hit movie, and there will likely be a scene involving sex, drugs, and/or booze – usually all of them at once.
However, some moments in movies stick out a bit more especially when it comes to things like cannabis consumption. So, before you run off to the cannabis dispensary this weekend, why not get inspired by some of the most iconic cannabis moments in movies?
True Romance
Heading back to a classic moment in movie history, Brad Pitt will always be known as a versatile actor thanks to moments like this in True Romance. His role as Floyd in the Quentin Tarantino movie was one of the many moments in his career that showed him as an actor who can take on just about any kind of character or role and pull it off with precision.
Watching a party slowly take place around Pitt as he lies on the couch getting high and watching TV feels very out-of-sync with the man himself, which makes the scene that bit better.
The Big Lebowski
Cult-classic movie The Big Lebowski has grown into something of a major hit thanks to its comical plot and general pacing. However, despite the film being filled with various classic cannabis moments, listening to The Dude sing along in the marmot scene is one of the key moments of the movie.
If you are looking for a moment that symbolizes how cannabis is often shown on the big screen, it’s this comically surreal scene from TBL.
Platoon is a fantastic movie, but one that is filled with some pretty surreal moments. When Willem Dafoe and Charlie Sheen head off into the underworld, Pvt Taylor and Sgt Elias soon start to realize that “feeling good is good enough”, and so one of the most iconic moments in the movie is born. In a movie that perfectly displays the real challenges of war in a foreign country and the impact it has on those on the ground, this scene shows a more human side to the men involved.
If you are looking for a movie moment that heals a friendship, then look to Caddyshack. The scene where Bill Murray and Chevy Chase share the screen is mostly improvised and brings together the ideal bonding moment: cannabis!
The duo are believed to have had a poor rapport with one another after Saturday Night Live, but this was the moment they buried the hatchet – and what a way to do so.
Easy Rider
Go back to the late 1960s and the world’s opinion on drugs was changing quite dramatically. Easy Rider captures that in style when Jack Nicholson’s character gets high for the first time. It’s a moment that perfectly captures the mood music of a nation, showing a far more open-minded attitude towards drugs than was most commonly found in big picture events of that era. 1969 was a crucial year for the topic of drugs, and Easy Rider was a fantastic counterpoint to the more conservative side of the debate, with this scene, in particular, playing a big role in making that clear.
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