One of the most detested creatures on this Earth is pigeons. As these birds cause havoc wherever they go, they are not very popular, and people should get rid of them immediately before these creatures completely destroy their properties. What with the pigeons’ aggressive behaviour and their tendency to spread diseases? Their population needs to be kept in check. Pigeon birth control way is an effective solution to this problem.

Photo by Viktor Keri on Unsplash
Pigeon control methods
Have you spotted even one or two pigeons roaming around your property? Do you see these pigeons either nesting, roosting, or settling on your building? If yes, then it is best that you take immediate action to make your area as pigeon-free as possible. Following are some techniques and ways to solve your pigeon problem.
Birth control program
The birth control process is one of the long-term solutions and the most efficient way to control bird pests’ population. This program basically involves the termination of the reproduction cycle of pigeons. A contraceptive bait is set out for pigeons to ingest, and it ultimately results in a noticeable decrease in their population. Birth control aims to reduce the population of pigeons by not allowing the eggs to hatch. A flock of pigeons is fed pellets regularly that contain an active component that meddles with the fertilization of eggs. The birth control technique is a favourable one as it does not harm the pigeons in any way and also keeps their population at bay.
Physical control of pigeons through the netting
Netting is a common way to remove pigeons from both small and large areas and structures. This physical method is sure to keep pigeons away from your property as it gives an immediate result. Netting creates a physical boundary that prevents birds such as pigeons from intruding upon your property. This technique is highly effective and manageable, too, as it doesn’t require much equipment. However, netting cannot be used in spacious or open areas. Instead, it is effective in enclosed or partially walled structures.
Ultrasonic and sonic sound emitters
Audible deterrents are effective as they can control the population of pigeons in large areas as well as small ones. Loud sounds such as the noise of a cannon blast, sounds of predators like hawks, eagles, and vultures, etc., can be emitted with the help of ultrasonic and sonic emitters. These sound makers are suitable for large areas like airports or agricultural sites as they can scare pigeons away from the loud noise.
Shock track method
The shock track method is especially effective in getting rid of pigeons from larger areas. It doesn’t permit them to land so that they don’t stay long on your rooftop. Therefore, these unwanted pests wouldn’t be making a nest in areas with a shock track system installed.
Food Reduction
One of the most effective strategies is to limit the supply of food for these pests. Pigeons tend to gather and roost in places where there is an ample supply of food. In fact, research shows that the size of their flock expands or contracts in direct relation to the easy availability of food sources in an area. Don’t throw around food. Install boards warning people not to feed pigeons. Food lying around is the best attraction for pigeons. Elimination of food sources could largely help you in getting rid of these unwanted guests.
Pigeons leave behind yucky droppings, which could damage your property, contaminate water sources and air conditioners, and spread diseases. To control them, proofing methods are used.
Proofing refers to preventing pigeons from having access to possible roosting places. This could be done by shutting off doorways, sealing open eaves and windows. You could easily use material such as wood to seal cracks and crevices. You could also make use of products that discourage pigeons from landing or roosting on surfaces.
Using Scare devices
The other most effective way to control pigeon birth in large areas is to install scare devices on all possible roosting places. This way, the pigeons couldn’t find any place for their eggs and would fly away to find suitable roosting spots. This would, in turn, prevent them from laying eggs on your property. These scare devices include audio or visual deterrents. These prevent pigeons from taking up residence in your area.
Using Narcotics
Narcotics is a harmless substance used to induce sleep. It is fed to pigeons in baits so they can be put to sleep and afterward removed from the area. This technique should only be applied with the help of professional guidance. Sometimes, some other birds can also consume this chemical and fly off after ingesting the food. So in order to avoid this situation, all sorts of foods should be removed in the area where the bait is set out.
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