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Many people love watching movies. This is because they help them to relax and relieve stress. In fact, television has been used for years as a form of escapism. While some movies are made specifically to entertain, some are made to teach.

Also, you will find that not all movies are works of fiction. In fact, some movies are based on true stories, and these are the ones that most people can relate to. In this article, we are going to share with you some of the successful movies that are based on true stories. If you haven’t watched them, make sure that you check them out when you take a break from your online casino gaming, visit online casino Australia for more information.

Successful Movies Based on True Stories

‘12 Years a Slave’ (2013)

This movie is so good that it won so many awards when it was released. This is all thanks to Steve McQueen who did a very good job directing the movie. In the movie, we get to see a black man, who lives in New York, getting kidnapped and sold into slavery. This happens in the year 1841. The film is so emotional and touching, and most fans found it to be very realistic.

‘The Imitation Game’ (2014)

This really compelling film is based on the story of a computer scientist, and the main actor in this film does the role justice. The computer scientist does all he can so that he can crack the Engima code, just like how some people crack casino online codes. This is the code that was used during World War 2 by the Nazis to secure their radio messages.

While the computer scientist was talented, he had a problem working with others. This is because he looked down on other people. However, to succeed in his quest to crack the Engima code, he had to learn to work well with others.

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