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Body building

The pressure to gain muscles can lead some young athletes to use substances such as steroids. In fact, they can increase their stamina or develop a more muscular shape, hence why they’ve become a trendy option.

But there aren’t only benefits to using steroids, and, instead, there are risks to be considered.

When you buy testosterone cypionate, you most likely only focus on the benefits, but let’s see the few inconveniences could experience.

Why Do Athletes Take Steroids?

There are numerous reasons why athletes may want to start taking steroids. Besides helping users get a more significant muscular mass, steroids also help them recover after a hard workout.

Moreover, they help the damage that muscles incur during intense workout sessions and allow them to exercise more complexly and longer than usual.

Are Steroids Banned in Sports?

Since steroids are a way to develop better abilities to play a sport, many significant associations have banned them. In fact, understandably, this laboratory-made substance has been considered cheating since it promotes muscular development much better than the natural way.

The most prominent sports associations that banned steroids include the National Football League (NFL), Major League Baseball, and the National Hockey League.

On the other hand, numerous athletes took steroids and were either banned from the competition or disqualified.

Some of the most famous athletes are Lance Armstrong, Jose Conseco, Anderson Silva, and even Marion Jones.

The Risks of Steroids in Sports

There are several risks associated with taking steroids in sports, and some of them can directly influence the final results, like headaches and diarrhea.

But there are that should be considered, and we’ll go through them below.

Nausea and Vomiting

The first common and unpleasant side effect of steroids in sports is nausea and vomiting. Suppose that you’re on competition and start soon; getting nauseous or even vomiting is the last thing you want.

Apart from that, it can lead to heartburn, and that’s another inconvenience of taking steroids as a sports professional or amateur.

On the other hand, it’s interesting that steroids are sometimes prescribed as a remedy against blockage in your gut and as anti-sickness medication for chemotherapy.

Tendon and Ligament Injuries

Experiencing tendon and ligament injuries is another of the inconveniences that you may experience when taking steroids.

According to a study by the National Institute of Health, the use of anabolic steroids in sports could lead to the tendon’s strength decrease and eventually to its rupture and injury.

In addition, changes in tendon’s crimp morphology did occur in some patients during the study, and that is something to keep in mind for users.

Muscle Cramps

Steroids are mainly used for the development of a more significant muscular mass. However, these muscles do get cramps due to their increase.

In fact, when on steroids, you can have harder and longer workout sessions and, therefore, go beyond your body’s natural limits.

Muscle cramps aren’t usually a big deal and typically don’t last longer than a few minutes. That being said, these may be precious minutes, especially in big competitions and it can quickly become a problem.

Kidney Problems or Failure

On the more critical side, having kidney issues or even failure is a severe condition experienced when taking steroids.

A report by ScienceDaily revealed that, indeed, using steroids, bodybuilding can ultimately damage kidneys. They analyzed 10 bodybuilders that all developed some reduction in kidney function due to overworking. While the kidney functions returned to normal after stopping steroid use, one individual needed dialysis due to kidney failure.

All things considered, kidney failure is not to be played with. In fact, there is no treatment, and dialysis is needed for life.

Sleeping Issues

Since your testosterone levels increase dramatically when taking steroids, sleeping issues are a common side effect. While it’s typically not an extremely serious condition, it can play a significant role if you have a competition or essential even to attend the day after.

To make these issues more manageable, physicians usually recommend taking the whole dose in the morning instead of the morning and evening.

It’s worth noting that the long-term effects of sleeping issues are diabetes, depression, hypertension, and even heart attacks and strokes in some cases.

Other Side Effects of Steroids in Sports

There are endless possibilities of side effects in sports which should all be considered. Of course, every product and drug has side effects, and not everyone experiences them.

As a general rule of thumb, potential side effects of steroids, apart from the ones listed above, include:

  • jaundice
  • blood clots
  • artery damage
  • high blood pressure
  • male-pattern baldness
  • abscess at the injection site
  • excessive body hair growth in women

Despite the fact that the human body produces steroids naturally, a large quantity of the substance has been scientifically associated with heart ventricles’ decreased function, strokes, skin problems, and kidney issues.

You should also be aware that these were recorded in patients younger than 30 years old, so being young doesn’t exempt individuals from potential issues.

Meta Description

The risks of steroids in sports are often underestimated or not consider. Whether you are a professional or an amateur willing to have harder workout sessions, these are the risks.

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