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Defending parental rights: Are teachers subverters of society or parental partners?

New Brunswick’s Premier Blaine Higgs’s recent decision surrounding parental involvement in schools has sparked quite a debate. Despite facing a tidal wave of criticism, it’s essential to remain hopeful that voices in support may eventually dominate the discourse.

Until recently, the province’s policy on sexual orientation and gender identity directed teachers to address students by their chosen pronouns, all without parental awareness – unless, of course, the student consented. Rooted in the controversial tenets of Cultural Marxism, this policy turned dissenting teachers – those who believe that gender and biological sex were synonymous – into heretics.

The approach bears a striking resemblance to indoctrination practices, where students are encouraged to accept a belief system without exposure to opposing viewpoints. Interestingly, this tactic is not unfamiliar to religious schools, although these institutions typically demonstrate far more transparency in their methodologies. While candid about their value systems, religious schools also avoid sowing open discord between parents and their children.

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The practice of concealing the use of preferred pronouns, on the other hand, fosters parent/child discord. When teachers and fellow students routinely refer to a student by their preferred pronouns – possibly unbeknownst to the parents – it creates an alarming divide, with the state ruling children with ideology while parents are marginalized.

The indoctrination of children is a principle ideology of Cultural Marxism that provides a roadmap to the deconstruction of Western society. It positions teachers as active instruments of subversion rather than partners with parents in shaping their children’s educational experience.

During an event for Rainbow Railroad Freedom Party, a Toronto-based non-profit which advocates for LGBTQ+ rights and safety, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau categorized Higgs as an extremist conservative, asserting, “Far-right political actors are trying to outdo themselves with the types of cruelty and isolation they can inflict on these already vulnerable people.” adding that “Right now, trans kids in New Brunswick are being told they don’t have the right to be their true selves, that they need to ask permission.”

Higgs retorted that Trudeau was merely pandering to his audience. “I find it quite surprising that questioning the role of a parent in a child’s upbringing is a debate,” Higgs asserted. And, truth be told, he’s not alone in this sentiment.

In the aftermath of the policy change, two of Higgs’ cabinet ministers from the Progressive Conservative party resigned. However, their departure may be a blessing in disguise for Higgs. After all, any minister claiming to be conservative yet unable to support parental rights may indeed be misplaced within their party.

With Higgs having demonstrated his convictions, the question that lingers is whether he will find school trustees and teachers willing to follow suit.

Lee Harding is a Research Fellow with the Frontier Centre for Public Policy.

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