Ontario coroner’s report reveals troubling MAiD trends
Canadian politicians cannot afford to wait and see what happens – they must act now
Canadian politicians cannot afford to wait and see what happens – they must act now
‘This is about the B.C. government destroying a sanctuary for dying patients who want the choice to stay in a facility where MAID is not offered’
‘Imposing the intentional taking of human life as a solution to human suffering is unacceptable for a civilized society’
“It is easier and cheaper for the government to provide euthanasia rather than continue with palliative care”
A B.C. private hospice must drop its refusal to provide medical assistance in dying (MAID) for qualifying patients in its care. Or else
People who have conversations about their end-of-life preferences are much more likely to be satisfied with the care received
Why you should start talking early to your family and friends about your wishes, and some tools to help you get the conversation started